Which Foods and Drinks Stain Your Teeth the Most?

If you are worried about foods and drinks that stain your teeth, you are not alone. You can only do so much with flossing, brushing and attending 6-month dental visits. Many of the foods and beverages you enjoy pose a direct threat to the look and functionality of your teeth.

Foods/beverages laden with sugar, acid and food dye will likely discolor your teeth. Eating enough of these foods while failing to brush your teeth after eating, will create unsightly stains surprisingly quickly.

You Teeth Reflect what You Eat

Take a moment to think about your daily routine. You likely start out with coffee. Maybe you transition to a cigarette, have a protein shake or oatmeal. You segue to the noon hour when you have soup, sandwich and a soda. You enjoy red wine with dinner. Each of these foods and beverages stains the teeth.

These are some of the worst culprits out there. Soda is particularly problematic for the teeth as it is acidic. This acid will actually cause the teeth to become more porous and prone to subsequent staining. Dark sodas such as those of the cola variety will discolor teeth more than lighter varieties.

Avoid Fruit Juices

Fruit juice is acidic. The acid in fruit juice will make the teeth that much more likely to stain. Furthermore, fruit juice has sugar that feeds bacteria, leads to the formation of cavities and stains the teeth.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce tastes amazing yet it can reduce the visual appeal of your teeth. The sauce is highly pigmented, acidic and consequently a direct threat to tooth enamel, the outer layer of the teeth. If the enamel is in constant contact with too many acidic foods, the enamel will become more porous and prone to staining.


Curry is all the rage these days. It is in Indian dishes, dishes featured throughout England, rice dishes of all types and beyond. Unfortunately, curry harms the teeth. Eat a dish with curry and you will almost certainly have orange or yellow teeth pigmentation. Thus, it is crucial to clean your teeth after consumption.

Certain Fruits are Terrible for Your Teeth

Fruit with strong pigmentation such as blueberries and blackberries will stain your teeth. Pomegranates are also another common culprit. These fruits have red and purple pigments that leave residue on the teeth, causing considerable harm.

Red Wine

Red wine has tannins that cause staining. Onlookers will immediately notice red stains on your teeth after you enjoy even a couple sips. If you are concerned about the look of your teeth, drink red wine toward the end of social events or completely abstain so you will not be self-conscious throughout the night.

Coffee and Tea

It seems like everyone enjoys coffee or tea. However, these drinks have tannins that cause the teeth to turn brown or grey. Those who consume coffee or tea on a daily basis are that much more likely to have discolored teeth.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Stone Canyon Dental, request an appointment in our Sunnyvale dental office here: https://stonecanyondental.com. Or call us at (972) 996-3191.

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